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Who Am I?

Hello, the one who read, My name is Mohammed or known as 0nlymohammed. I am a CyberSecurity Specialist. I started learning about Network and Penetration Testing while I am in High School. Before High School, I had some experience with programming and Windows Server. I will be sharing here everything that I achieved in 2021. Most of my work will be based on Personal findings, HackerOne, intigriti, Portswigger, Bugcrowed, Bugv, CTF competitions and more.


  • HackerOne
    Security Researcher at HackerOne since (Dec,2020)(Part Time)
  • Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming and Drones
    Security Researcher since (2021) (Part Time)
  • Bugcrowed
    Security Researcher at Bugcrowed since (Aug,2021)(Part Time)
  • EarthLink
    Security Researcher at EarthLink since (Nov,2021)(Part Time)
  • intigriti
    Security Researcher at intigriti since (Aug,2021)(Part Time)


  • NGINX Fundamentals: High Performance Servers
  • The Nuts and Bolts of OAuth 2.0
  • AWS certified solutions architect
    • IYELLP Test


    • Firewall for one million arab coders
      firewall using bot API helps protect web applications by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. It typically protects web applications from attacks such as cross-site forgery, cross-site-scripting (XSS), file inclusion, and SQL injection


    • Performing Dynamic/Static web application penetration testing ( SAST/DAST )
    • Experienced with OWASP Web/Api standards and processes for conducting penetration testing
    • PYTHON coder and familiar with Ruby,Javascript ,PHP and BASH basics
    • Experienced with the Windows/linux Servers, Azure, AWS testing fundamentals
    • Fundamentals of :
      -Regular Expressions
      -IOS/Android SSL Pinning and Root detection bypasses



    • first place ( 1st ) iraqi team at ctftime.com All Time
      • Second place ( 2nd ) in CyberTalents Iraqi National CTF 2021 with my team ( Satgate )
        • Top 6 ( 6th ) in CyberTalents Arab and Africa Regional CTF 2021 in Finals with my team ( Satgate ) - 2021
        • Top 15 athack CTF 2021 ( Satgate )
          got qualified for the Finals
          • third place ( 3st ) in Winja CTF | c0c0n 2021 with my team ( Satgate )
            Among ( more than 200 teams )


          • FatPipe Networks WARP Verison — Authorization Bypass:
            In This Article, I explain how to attack the FatPipe Networks WARP
            Authorization Bypass

          POCs & Automation

          • Firewall project made with a PHP:




          Facebook's HOF
          Best Iraqi Hacker at HackerOne quarter 2
          Best Iraqi Hacker at HackerOne quarter 3
          Best Iraqi Hacker at HackerOne for the quarter 4
          Best Iraqi Hacker at HackerOne for 2021
          Microsoft Hall of Fame
          Redhat HOF
          United Nations
          2012 rep less than 1 year
          4th place at DoD HOF
          Apple Hall of fame (soon)
          TOP 3 at Winja CTF | c0c0n 2021
          Best Iraqi team at 2021
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